Deadly floods reminder to wealthy countries to remedy unfettered climate change


Water purification plant repair interior Sindh (Pakistan Floods 2012)

Building tent villages interior Sindh (Pakistan Floods 2012)

Mobile clinic interior Sindh (Pakistan Floods 2012)

Dr O Elahi with local Sindhi villagers affected by Flooding (Pakistan Floods 2012)

Pushing relief aid through (Pakistan Floods 2012)

Building tent city for flood victims in interior Sindh (Pakistan Floods 2012)

CBC news interview with Dr O Elahi

Tent city established with mobile health clinic for earthquake victims Pakistan Earthquake 2005

CRDA members assisting local families in Kohistan (Pakistan Earthquake 2005)

Local meeting with local health officials

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

Pakistan Floods 2022

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